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The First Prayer Book of King Edward Vi 1549 by Prayer, Church Of England. ... ISBN: 9781152220539 List Price: $29.50
Study in Comparative Symbolics; the Lutheran Movement in England During the Reigns of Henry ... by Jacobs, Henry Eyster ISBN: 9781231848807 List Price: $21.05
History of Great Britain from the Death of Henry Viii to the Accession of James VI of Scotla... by Andrews, James Pettit ISBN: 9781179335179 List Price: $33.75
King James VI of Scotland & I of England Unjustly Accused? by Wallace Clan Trust, MacLenn... ISBN: 9780965677738 List Price: $14.95
Geschichte Von Schottland : Von der Geburt der Maria Stuart an, Bis Zur Gelangung Jakobs VI.... by Robertson, William, W H Vogt ISBN: 9780341055730 List Price: $14.95
The History of Scotland During the Reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI. Till His Acces... by Robertson, William, William... ISBN: 9781385791127 List Price: $28.95
Fourteenth Century England VI by Given-Wilson, Chris ISBN: 9781843835301 List Price: $115.00
The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275-1504: X: Henry VI. 1422-1431 by Unknown ISBN: 9781843837725 List Price: $155.00
Lutheran Movement in England During the Reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI, and Its Literary... by Jacobs, Henry Eyster ISBN: 9781347347843 List Price: $27.95
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